Directors & Committees
Clayton Valley Village Directors
As of January 1, 2024 the Clayton Valley Village board consists of seven voting Board Members (six drawn from the membership and two volunteer representative).

Joyce Akinson

Anita Stranik

Joanne Wasak

Maria Xiaris

Marilyn Wollenweber
Past President

Arlene Lewandowski

Linda Pinder
Volunteer Reb

Margaret Bachman
Volunteer Rep
Ad Hoc Committees
Events Committee
Meets on the last Friday of the month between 1-3 pm. We welcome anyone to our hardworking team. We enjoy our meetings and the satisfaction of pitching in to make sure our events run smoothly. Serving on this committee are: Gloria Utley, Jeanne Boyd, Arlene Lewandowski, Fiona Hughes, Bhishma Lashkari, Sonja Wilkin (chair), Sheilia Driscoll, Sue Manning, Judy Drisbrow and Mary Rogers
Member Services Committee
Member Services committee meets on the last Monday of the month. The committee processes new member applications, schedules new member in-home visits, creates, edits, coordinates friendly calls/visit and distributes the Member and Volunteer Handbooks. The committee also provides and monitors the call managers who are assigned days to answer calls and respond to emails sent to the Village. It receives members suggestions for service providers and adds them to the service provider list on CVV’s website after review. Serving on this committee are Marilyn Wollenweber (chair), Kathy Geddes, Nancy Hoffman, Mary Esther Loranger, Diane Berger and Maria Xiaris
Tech Committee
The Tech Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month. This committee compiles and publishes membership data reports, interfaces with Helpful Village, maintains and updates the back-end website membership data. Serving on this committee are Pete Bardea, Nancy Hoffman,and Diane Berger
Outreach Committee
The CVV Outreach Committee meets as needed to give presentations to various organizations around Clayton and Concord; organizes periodic community gatherings; joins other Bay Area Villages at resource fairs, programs; attends public meetings of various government agencies, local, state, national; represents CVV at National and State Conferences; continuously promotes CVV wherever the opportunity occurs to increase membership. Committee members: Jim Whitfield, Margaret Bachman, Fiona Hughes.
Communications/Publicity Committee
This committee handles Website Development, Newsletters, Printed Promotional Material, Graphic Design, Calendar Management, Social Network Outreach and Email Notifications. Serving on this committee are: Diane Berger, Pete Bardea, Nancy Hoffman and Diane and Bev are co-editors of the the Monthly Newsletter, Our Village Voice.