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Volunteer Program


Volunteerism is the engine of Clayton Valley Village. As one of our valued volunteers, you'll meet interesting people, make new friends, help our members at home projects and with transportation needs, enjoy making a difference in someone's life, contribute to the growth and development of the village and help our community be "aging friendly." 


Clayton Valley Village welcomes generous people willing to help others keep active and stay connected in our community. Our volunteers are valued members of our community. Many of our programs and activities are open to volunteers. Contact us if you can donate your skills, time and talent, whether it's one hour a month or ten hours a week. No gift of your time is too little or too big.


Why Volunteer?


You will make a difference and improve the quality of life of our members

You will put your experience, skills and talents to good use

You will make new friends

You will be paying it forward, knowing that someday you may also need support


How To Become a Volunteer


Simply fill out our online application and you will be contacted by
one of our Clayton Valley Village volunteer coordinators.




Clayton Valley Village

Participating Member of 

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Click icons above to view more info.


Phone: 925-626-0411

Registered 501c3 Nonprofit: 81-3858223

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© 2020  Clayton Valley Village, a registered 501(c)3  non-profit organization  •   PO Box 1274, Clayton, CA  94517  •  925-626-0411 

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